Get 50% off all of our premium Statamic addons on the Statamic Marketplace - but be quick, this offer is until Monday 2nd December 2024.
So what's included?
We've got four premium addons for Statamic, including Two Factor for Statamic and Logger for Statamic, plus two awesomely flexible fieldtypes for your frontend Statamic Forms.
All of these addons are available for 50% off!
Whether you need a license now, or want to stock pile a few, it is your choice: our premium addons are a one-time purchase.

Two Factor for Statamic
Two Factor for Statamic is a fully-featured two factor authentication addon.
This addon enforces two factor authentication (2FA) for all users of Statamic's Control Panel, with an easy on-boarding, emergency recovery codes and admin-friendly features to help manage user accounts and their two factor status.

Logger for Statamic
Logger for Statamic makes logs human-friendly, the way they should be.
Hook in to the existing events on Statamic and Laravel (including extensible support for your own events), and render detailed and context-specific log messages with the use of event-based Blade templates.
You're able to view your logs directly from the Statamic Control Panel, and also features daily log file retention.

Stripe Checkout Fieldtype
Stripe Checkout Fieldtype is designed for your frontend Statamic forms, allowing you to send your user to Stripe to make a payment.
Maybe you need a one-off purchase, or perhaps you want to start a subscription, this highly configurable addon makes it easy to map your Stripe Products and Prices to your form.
Great for donations - especially when paired with our Variable Number Fieldtype too.

Variable Number Fieldtype
The Variable Number Fieldtype adds a new fieldtype for your Statamic forms on the front end of your website.
With a full suite of configuration - including display format, option overrides, allowing custom input - you can also choose to use radio buttons, a select box or plain buttons with unopinionated ready-to-style layouts.
This is a great opportunity to get yourself a 50% saving on our premium addons.
And don't forget we still have a huge range of free open source addons for Statamic too, including:
Feedamic, to create RSS feeds for your Statamic site
Form Submission Cleaner, to automate deleting old form submissions
Sticky Notes, a widget for your CP to leave an editable sticky note
Iconamic, a flexible SVG icon picker
Sitemapamic, to create an XML sitemap for your Statamic site
Scheduled Cache Invalidator, for advanced cache control (basic functionality is now in Statamic core!)
Google Fonts, a Statamic wrapper for Spatie's Laravel Google Fonts package
Check out all of our Statamic addons on the Statamic Marketplace, and we have a full set of documentation to help you get started.
Happy coding!

Marty Friedel
Marty has a background in Computer and Information Science, software development, web development, multimedia and web accessibility, and is Mity Digital’s resident nerd.
Outside of his programming work, Marty is a keen landscape photographer, and also teaches Les Mills group fitness classes.